
Kuvatud on kuupäeva september, 2020 postitused

Wikipedia ja kuidas ta IT valdkonda mõjutanud

          Need & Importance of Wikipedia in Modern Education      Need:   Modern Education is a life-long process therefore learner can access anytime and anywhere to it. Information outburst is an ever increasing event therefore there is a great need to get access to this information. Modern Education should meet the needs of diversification of learners and therefore wikipedia is an important aspect in meeting this need. Wikipedia is a necessity of the society so that the individuals should possess technological literacy and grasp the modern education easily. Learner need to increase penetration and bring down the cost of education to meet the challenges of illiteracy and poverty and provide equal opportunity to gain education      Importance: It access to variety of learning resources and learning material. It provides immediacy to information and knowledge. The learner can do anytime learning. Th...

Kaks nähtust Interneti varasemast ajaloost

             Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet was born from a research network called ARPANET i.e. a computer network funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense. On its first day of office in 1969, ARPANET operated across 4 hosts. Each host had a unique address for online communication The online addresses were identified using 8-bit numbers called the Network Control Protocol (NCP). ARPANET was thus, an 8-bit network. By 1981, it had evolved into a national network connecting 213 hosts across universities and research facilities. Soon, all kinds of networks emerged and so did the need to connect these heterogeneous networks into one big inclusive network. The idea was to maintain the heterogeneous nature of each network and also allow users to communicate across networks. To this end, the first half of the 1970s witnessed Robert Khan (DARPA) and Vint Cerf (NCP) work on a Transmission Control Progr...

Kolm lootustandvat ja huvitavat mõtet, millest aga asja ei saanud

     1. The Penlite The Penlite is Apple's first prototype of a tablet computer. Created in 1992, the project was designed to bring the Mac OS to a tablet. But it was canceled in favor of the other corporate's project - Newton (series of personal digital assistants (PDAs)).  The stylus-based user interface for MacOS was one of  Arno Gourdol's (longtime software developer who spent years working with both Apple and Adobe) first projects during a decade-long career at Apple, one he started as an intern. The platform was an attempt by Apple to answer a big question about the viability of handheld computing. The company had two separate groups attempting to answer the question at once—the PenLite group, and the Newton group. Picture 1. The Penlite (prototype)   "The project started when a brilliant engineer managed to get MacOS to boot on a 68000-based PDA from Sharp (I believe). It was ridiculous, of course, because you had a minuscule black and white screen a...